
I didn't get a chance to say this before, but the actress playing Nina put in a TREMENDOUS performance. She was absolutely awesome. It seems like she didn't get nearly the praise she should have. If she was an American I bet she'd have gotten Emmy hype.

So Stan is the antithesis of Noah Emmerich in The Truman Show

While I like how Paige has progressed and how the show is handling the nuclear family fallout (GET IT?) of her finding out, it does drag the show away from cool spy stuff. I do miss that stuff. This season feels like it has been all Paige all the time.

Who else feels like the show needs more musics. After season 1 they went away from the overt use of songs. Like "Tusk" and "In the Air Tonight".

Henry's knowledge of evasive maneuvers will play a critical role in a Frogger-like street chase.

I just want to say that Tatiana is one foxy commie

He's gonna need more pics of Sandra then.

Speaking of Martha, why haven't we gotten a scene of her in Russia yet?

Something about Gabriel feels full of shit to me. A show doesn't cast Frank Langella to play a straight forward fatherly spy handler. He's never seen talking to anyone above him and we're meant to take him at his word. Nope, something's up with him.

As a late reader, WHY do people keep pointing it out? I don't get the significance.

Yea, it's just hard to believe that it would be as linear as Elizabeth is distraught about Patti so she's opening up to Pastor Tim. I thought she was angling to get the tape back from them, but apparently she doesn't see it as a threat. But I can't see Elizabeth losing her grip like that.

Fuckin Henry, lol

We were really Robbed of his presence

The whole A Girl is No One storyline just feels like an even bigger waste of time now.

It made now sense HOW Yara and Theon escaped during the coronation without anyone noticing. That was totally dumb. It would've taken hours to gather all those men and ships and leave in plain sight.

Yara should've killed Euron as soon as he admitted to doing it. Isn't betrayal looked down upon in this world?

And not on dry land!

Sheesh, you guys are absolutely myrcellas with the puns.

Jaime can't push harder than gravity can.