
Did you know Shayla spells Alex backwards?

Can I nominate Raj from Big Bang Theory?

Can I nominate Raj from Big Bang Theory?

Well, this is a review for PortLandia, so there you go.

Well, this is a review for PortLandia, so there you go.

Ctrl+F "Michael Gambon" No results.
Ctrl+F "Dustin Hoffman" No results.

They should make a show about Gus's war years.

They should make a show about Gus's war years.

Pizza house!

It's more about the positioning of everyone. Bodie is looking into his diagonals, like a pawn would do. The guy who kills him(O-Dog) first makes a short move, and then a long move, like a knight would do.

Too bad the video shows the chess-game analogy of season 1, but doesn't show the death of Bodie of the fifth season, which is the killing of a pawn, by a knight. Very interesting visually.

Blanket Forts!! I'm hoping for a Russian district this time.

Has anyone told Todd yet?

Why do I keep falling for these Wire notifications?

The horse is beautiful, as is the dog Nolte has.

Don't forget Albus Dumbledore on Luck tonight!

Sheez yall twas a dream

I hated Tritter too, but at leat that gave us the remarkable scene where House calls his mother.

Right, but look at all the extras, the scenes in the cafeteria are like they're at some grad school.

Does anyone know why that girl goes to school with people who are in their thirties?