A Life Straw is pretty awesome actually. It lets you drink directly out of water sources and filters it as you drink. I think the Apocalypse Box was some good swag.
A Life Straw is pretty awesome actually. It lets you drink directly out of water sources and filters it as you drink. I think the Apocalypse Box was some good swag.
Not just threatened. They did it. They blew it up! Damn them, damn them all to hell!
You don't talk shit about O'Neal's flask, man.
I think there's also a Pamela's diner near there if you're feeling breakfasty.
You seem to know a lot about the subject, Alvy.
It's his awe-inspiring acting that makes him so attractive. He fully commits and appears to pull his lines from deep within.
Ah, that was her! I think that was the stupidest thing I've ever seen done on TC.
Congrats on coining an AV Club Top Chef Recap Comments Nickname. I was seriously reading and thinking, who the f is BJ? Then I read down, oh he's Mr. Meat Failure.
I really loved this show. It wasn't perfect, but I won't write about the flaws. The focused emotional intensity of the first two seasons had to go somewhere, and so it ended up diffusing into smaller flashes of enlightenment, perspective and connection. It was beautiful.
This makes sense, actually. I assumed Chris did the murder, but I forgot about George saying that Trey went back to Hanna after the rape. That would explain why Trey didn't try to pin it on Chris at the time. Chris was actually there and knew what happened, but Daniel had left by that point, I think.
I know what you're saying, but this comment is funny to me because my real name is also Emily.
Ramsay: (poking at pork with his finger) It's f**cking RAW! You expect me to eat THAT? Bloody hell. I'm shutting this f**cking mess down. I'm gonna pop my shirt off and show you how to cook proper food. You're gonna cook simple. Fresh. Sliders.
They didn't even have buttermilk!
I thought the other chef (Emily?) was being more dickish with her passive-aggressive "We can all agree that we all wish we had biscuits. Period."
It's like last season when they went to that disgusting Meat Grab or whatever the fuck it was called, and they put out dainty tweezed microgreens and the crudo shit they were seemingly obliged to do all season.
Is Teddy supposed to be younger than Amantha? Crawford looks about a decade older than Spencer.
I also love that film, and just had to go and rewatch that scene just now. Never fails to cue the waterworks.
They're just lower-grade A-holes.
Always getting fucked, never getting off. We are truly in Hell.
Or the AV Club is just a bunch of nerds who think a B+ is a failing grade. Sheesh.