Sum Guy

Relatively. Why do you ask?

Daily Kos
"which were apparently handed back to Sheen in accordance with his constitutionally guaranteed right to protect himself from invading Sioux."

No, they really have a double standard.


What About
Ringo and Bart?

When's International Men's Day?

No, he isn't nude or anything but the thing that does make me sick is that his boyfriend was able to run a male prostitution ring out of his DC apartment and nothing happened to either of them. It also turns my stomach that he ran Fanny and Freddy into the ground and took no responsibly for it.

Thanks for ruining my breakfast with that picture of Barney Fwank.

"The tension just melts away as Lobsters calls you a brainwashed liberal."

Ahh, so I guess the bloom is off the rose and it's cool to hate Inglorious Basterds now.

Your patriotism doesn't hinge on what the most popular TV show is. I've never once idolized a winner of American Idol. I've never seen Two and A 1/2 Men.

Are you black? If not, do you know of any black people that were actually offended by the gratuitous use of the "N" word in his films?

The Holocaust?
I thought it just turned WWII as a whole into a fun little Nazi-smacking romp?

Cool Story
In honor of Jane Russell's passing, can we change it to "Cool story, bra" for a day?

*give it

Why do you hate the rich so much? How many poor people do you know who own a company that employs people? The more money you let rich people keep, the more revenue you create. The more you tax the rich the more likely they are to try to find tax shelters and not invest.

"St. Ronald Reagan himself would be tea-bagged right the hell out of today's GOP."