
Thank you, Zugzwang. All I can add is, that book is poo.

Where's the Ayn Rand commenter?
Doesn't she need to lecture us using Ragnar Danneskjold?


Eets-a me, Mario!

Adrienne Barbeau-bot.

I'll miss the New Orleans presence. Treme can't fill your void!

It was for charity!

No! Ruby's in Mandeville? Looks like the drunks only have The Pub and Don's I guess…

I use it a lot in conversation, but as a NOLA transplant living in MPLS, I forget that people don't know that word.

Wallace Shawn!

An attempt at first AND second? May you contract CancarAIDS from exposure to the nuclear wessels at Alameda.

"Eva Braun, help me!"

I'm 29, and I've always labeled myself as the last of the Gen-Xers.

I felt such an awesome thrill whenever the Emperor's guys would shock me and make the force tattoo bigger. I knew, after playing that game, that I was Empire for life, Thrawn all the way.



The "Wait in line for AVATAR" episode was pretty awful too.

Nice to see Naoki Urasawa's name on this list
I love Pluto, and I've been watching Monster on SyFy. That guy knows how to tell a story.

Hey Kepler, wasn't that a New Order album?
