
Hey, what happened to your CRITTERS avatar??

This movie is going to land somewhere between "shit" and "fuckin' shit"

There's no such word as "alright". Who the fuck is proofreading these?

I'm just annoyed all the bands are little hipster dweebs

As soon as I saw the A, I knew this had something to do with women or LGBT folks.

It's a fantastic B-movie.

I loved this episode. It felt like a fresh start for the characters. When they talked about all the shit they had been through, I imagined they meant the awful seasons that came before.

No. You are under orders to look for racial subtexts that aren't there.

The A.V. Club isn't journalism any more, it's "content". And "content" is mainly aimed at people who can't conceive of anything unless it's put into internet terms.

So wait, this isn't a Katie Holmes biopic?

Gosling is literally the only new Rambo I would accept.

Me too. It sounds like Franken himself wrote the sketch he was offended by.

I'm pretty sure she said "cooling tent when it was hot".

I don't even want to watch that. I hate TWD just as much as most every regular viewer here, but I love Maggie :(

What do you mean?

Alien really felt like you were alone with a deadly alien out in space. Prometheus felt like I was at Space Mountain with some Sears models.

I literally haven't thought of Bebe's Kids in twenty years.

It's going to have something to do with the Bible or Jesus or some shit.

So wait… they're going to land on a strange alien planet and take their helmets off AGAIN?

Every A.V. Club article has exactly one error that they never fix.