
Thank you for not using "seminal" once!

You have to include Billy Madison if you're including Happy Gilmore.

Mark my words: Tina will mention her ovaries before season's end.

It's not the consistent qualities that bother me, just that it's getting very predictable. In any given scene, this is what's bound to go down:

There's no way it's permanent. Why include all the time-travel business, with the wooden "return platform" and whatnot? Stewie is going to go to the past to save Brian (who I think may have run over himself!) in a future episode, I'm sure of it.

You know what would be really great? If the Stewie-uses-time-machine-to-save-Brian episode turns out to be cool as hell, an awesome Timecrimes level of mindfuckery. It could happen, right?

It's got to be Grandpa. Anyone else would be met with a "who gives a shit"?

I find this show is getting a bit predictable, or maybe I'm just burnt out on it. Gene enjoys eating, farting, and shitting; Tina finds a way to be aroused by almost everything; and Louise likes to instigate conflict and/or violence. I feel like I see every little interjection by the kids coming from a mile away at

You know, I love the Extras Christmas special, but at the same time I realize it's terrible. Does that make sense?

You know what made me feel physically ill, was marathoning Always Sunny. It was right around season three that I needed to put on some John Denver to remind me that the world wasn't the depraved lunatic hell that that show depicts.

These batshit reviews are honestly the only thing that keeps me watching the show at this point.
The threat of sexual violence hangs heavy over each one.

I really wish I could just stop giving a shit, but I still watch the first pre-cancellation seasons constantly and consider them nearly equal to golden age Simpsons in pure comedy excellence.

I don't know why Family Guy of all shows can't just fill the writer's room with young enthusiastic blood and continue to be good indefinitely. It's not like The Simpsons; I'm never offended by what they "do with the characters" in recent seasons. It's that the jokes are turds. Just pure turds.

Ugh. Seriously though, didn't they say they were shooting an actual alternate ending, in case of leaks or whatever? That would have been cool. This is just fucking stupid.

I thought they had filmed an actual alternate ending… disappointed.
All I had to do was see the thumbnail for this video and I knew the (lame) gag instantly.

It was one of the first big network sitcoms that didn't.

Nine Inch Nails

White people be misunderstanding tipping procedures like THIS, and black people be misunderstanding tipping procedures like THIS

But John Teti, how did it all make you feel?
How did this whole ordeal affect your "pop-culture weekend"?
This was a thoughtful, enjoyable article. Thanks for being one of the few remaining adults writing for A.V. Club.

I am in love with Maya Rudolph. She did an interview with Oprah years ago where she seemed like just the most down-to-earth person ever.