Roy Fokker

Yet it's important enough to post something that you don't care?

I loved Encyclopedia Brown and The Three Investigators as well, but they did not act as gateway detectives to books I read now.

You're missing out on a classic: "Screaming Boobies"

There are bands that exist, that go on tour, that you have not heard of, just as there are people and politicians, whom you don't know about, that do newsworthy things in strange foreign lands!

Like you finally kicking that football, Chuck.

Yeah. I agree with the basic gist of this post.

Darn the internet, forums, and that unsettling feeling of not being sure if the thread starter is being 'clever' or 'ignorant.' I thought it was totally a Chinatown reference.

Josh like Germany— the cigarette-smoking coolest guy from your high school likes Radiohead, so you can like them more now.

I heard some insider info about the Decemberists being a bunch of pricks, which served to confirm my already low opinion of them.

I am. I mean… WOAH.

After eating said candy bar and drinking said drink, ladies are obligated to brush their teeth with Femident toothpaste.

I had the dubious honor of watching Millionaire Matchmaker yesterday. If it's the 'sexy era' Kathleen Turner or her— I'd say Turner. I also might go with an Anne Bancroft type. That MM woman freaked me the hell out.

For a 40 year old she has the voice of a teenage girl
I don't think she's really the best 'type' for a cougar out there.

^The Graduate approves.

When has saying you like band Z to a person that can't stand/hates band Z ever convinced them to reexamine their beliefs and values?

Holland Oates and MBPC

Yeah! She took over the role of Lady Galadriel from Jenna Jamison.

^Don't you mean "the SUGARtits?"

A pox on thee. There werntest jet packs in Krull!

It's nice to know that Natalie Portman rapping is the one link we have to "all that is good in the world."