
' I don’t usually watch these as they air, so I’ve missed the ads for the
most part, but man alive was that Talking Dead promo badly timed. Calm
down, AMC. Give us, like, ten seconds to enjoy your damn show.'

God Damn, the first 30 mins or so were INTENSE. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time

God Damn, the first 30 mins or so were INTENSE. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time

So, is Laguerta gonna try to setup Dexter by releasing the last guy responsible for Laura Mosers death?

So, is Laguerta gonna try to setup Dexter by releasing the last guy responsible for Laura Mosers death?

So, is Laguerta gonna try to setup Dexter by releasing the last guy responsible for Laura Mosers death?

my bad

my bad

.After finishing the episode, I initially enjoyed it, focusing more on the end game points. The gaping plot holes didn't bother me that much during the episode.

.After finishing the episode, I initially enjoyed it, focusing more on the end game points. The gaping plot holes didn't bother me that much during the episode.

Whenever I see her, all I can ever think about is that stupid Comedy Central ad where she shouted 'something something I HAVE A VAGINA'.

Whenever I see her, all I can ever think about is that stupid Comedy Central ad where she shouted 'something something I HAVE A VAGINA'.

'The reviews here seem to mostly cater toward those that are watching the show'

'The reviews here seem to mostly cater toward those that are watching the show'

Actually, it was announced that they were gonna treat each one as a separate season

Actually, it was announced that they were gonna treat each one as a separate season

Man, for most of elementary school, I watched Animaniacs every single day after school. Every. Single. Day. 

Man, for most of elementary school, I watched Animaniacs every single day after school. Every. Single. Day. 

Tosh.0 is on Tuesday, Key & Peele is Wed…

Tosh.0 is on Tuesday, Key & Peele is Wed…