
I can only hope someone had the presence of mind to post "Do you even lift?"

The Bishop's opening credits sequence may be my favorite thing from Monty Python, which is saying something. I'd watch that show, just based on the animated titles.

This is the kind of story that illustrates just how much of a vacuum Roger Ebert's death has left in film criticism.

Same here. At the least, it depicts a segment of the population usually ignored by TV and movies, but which watches a helluva lot of TV. I recognize the characters and their lifestyle, because I grew up in that exact demographic. It proves that a show can deal with the working poor, or at least

To this day, I laugh just thinking about this line from The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies: "Squiggy, Jackie O, and Morrissey!"

There's a science fiction/fantasy author also named Steve Perry. I'm aware of him primarily for Conan the Barbarian novels he wrote (yeah, I know, I know…). Everytime I'm in a bookstore and I see books of his on the shelf, I'm hit with the urge to belt out "SHOULDA BEEN GO-ONE…KNOWIN' HOW I. MADE YOU FEEL. AND I

I saw it at the theater when I was in my twenties. After it ended, I left hating it. It just wasn't funny to me. But then…I started telling friends about it, and found myself laughing at the gags and plot points I was describing. For some reason, describing how they rode a minibike from Nebraska to Vail, Colorado was

The relationship between the reservation police, the sheriff, and (occassionally) state troopers really is interesting stuff. I hope we see a lot more of that as the series goes along.

I'm a fan of Longmire, too, and I was happy to know it was renewed.