to paraphrase the dude: jesus…
to paraphrase the dude: jesus…
charming? yeah. she might as well copyright the word "bubbly". acting? just about face-palm-worthy
bathe me in fail. i welcome it
when it comes to being lucky he's cursed
and when it comes to av club, he's FIRST
oh my GOD, TLNOE… your user name and pic just made me laugh completely out loud at work. hard. i don't even know why, really. just about the last chappelle's show reference i ever thought i'd see. the fact that it's an apollo 13 pic makes it 5 times funnier for some reason. well done
yeah just about everything wu-tang could be considered a deep cut. couldn't pick one if i tried
re: clash, career opportunities! simple song but hell if i don't rock my sack off to it. the guitar hits on the chorus compel my hands into air guitar, almost as if possessed
wish i had a japanese to wank my linear piece!!! right, guys?! up top?!?!
bless you, LordFlasheart. one of those videos that completely elevates the song. i can't listen to "keep fishin" without remembering the video and grinning like an idiot
to katie holmes:
the nighttime makes things much more….. roMANtic, okaaaaaaaaaaay?
woe to he that hates on FF4. great fuckin' game. that was the one that got me into RPGs in the first place. it's also important to mention the music, which is on par with anything uematsu ever made. best battle theme, bar none, and the opening piece (brought back as the only good piece of music in FFXII) is just…
compare most console RPGs ever made to FF6 and it won't be kind to them either. it's one of the best games ever made
hahaha @ office dog
i don't know… he seems like a near-perfect fit for AI. he's had his hand in and has an appreciation for a lot of different music styles, and he comes off as pragmatic and grounded. the guy has no name recognition, but how many people heard of cowell or dioguardi before they were judges? not that i'm hugely invested…
it's always a pretty tough proposition when you make a hollywood film, where everyone is hot anyway, that features someone who is supposed to be outlandishly hot. example: troy. now, diane kruger is hot. if i slept with her, i would silkscreen a picture of the it onto a t-shirt and wear it in public every day, but she…
JVS, ending that post with a capital "ASS TO ASS" is what separates funny from pure genius. well, by my standards at least
you just HAD to bring up animal collective while i was trying to digest my lunch
say what you want about her… uh, plasticity? she looks pretty goddamn good in the pic at the top. i see your jennifer connelly and raise you one olivia wilde
hp sauce ftw
bronx!!! dont forget about bronx mowgli wentz!!! compounding the failure of that name is how fucking clunky it sounds to say "bronx wentz"