Roamsy III

I thought she had the funniest and most unexpected lines of the episode. "You think this pig's going to attack her? Son that fucker is skinned and roasted he's at a huge disadvatage." I love it how the vulgarity virus that the show plays up leaks into minor one off characters like this.

Not too mention, "let's see how much I can wring out of my anus." I liked #2 (…of your list) though because it was a perfect set up for the contrasting  theme of "what am I capable of…if murder was legal"

Couldn't stand the stage! I kept thinking of all the people that had to stare at his ass for each joke.

Everyone's hatin on this episode. They've bumbled the Andy/Erin storyline for years, but IDK, I think they make sense as a couple.
They are both seriously out of touch with reality, both are losers with
probably the oddest and most awkward senses of humor on the show. It
kinda seems like she was put there to be with

This show is a trashy mediocre novel, which is why it's good, well decent enough. It's similar to Bored to Death in the way that my expectations of realism are low. Truth in fiction. I enjoyed this last chapter….but yeah just like I thought it'd be a better ending if he drowned, this also would be a much more

Yes, we can all appreciate the Jeffort.

Totally. There was a mess of interesting things happening in this episode….I think (hope!) it will amount to something as we are nearing the end of the season and there has been some real quality episodes this year including the fantastic "Love Song."

I thought this was a nice light throwback episode (to the raunch) that managed to slip some narrative gravitas under the radar. As far as subtlety, the choice of the young actress looked alot like Mia and even included a slap to the face which brings us back to the show's origins and how Hank ended up where he is now.

im standing over you, eating juicy fruit till it gets in your eye

I won the school contest and went to county. The school told me that I had 2 months to prepare for it. Less than a  week later they called me over the intercom and said that they made a mistake and that it was today. I lost on the first word, "phonics." F-o-n-i-x. Almost peed myself.

I believe Kanye should have the last words on this topic:

And JESUS help me, I didn't even get to your "criticism" of Ira giving
him the check back….did you watch the episode? Ira is a man of
integrity, that's why he tore the check up. And fuck it all to hell…are you really complaining bc he didn't tie up who the one armed man was? Let me know if I need to hold your hand

Why do you think you know comedy better than Larry David? Employing flashbacks of Wanda calling him racist….would be dumb as fuck. That would imply that he has some REAL vendetta against her…instead of how he views her, which is playfully. A scene to get back at Wanda for all the times he calls her racist would be

You completely missed the point of the Wanda/Wapner confrontation. He was using his racism to win the argument over the trainer, knowing that he would side with whitey. Therefore you must have a beautiful wife.

no one noticed
That Cheryl totally set LD up! Go back and watch her face as she tells Larry that Berg went to catholic school. She knows him well and she knows that this will send him on a quest to find a new lawyer and she was losing the battle with Berg. F'n brilliant LD.