
Most favorite story this season: Daenerys'
Least favorite story: Theon's

I was wondering if there was going to be some kind of a reference to that NSA leaks story on the AV club, and here we are. That was a pretty funny reference.

That mattress story was kinda funny.

Agree about the hair being distracting. At first, I thought they changed the actor.

After last season, I was ready to drop this show. Because of this jump, I'm giving it another chance.

Jonah is always entertaining to watch. Very funny.

I didn't really like the pilot, but I guess I'll give the show a try.
There aren't a lot of "watchable" shows this summer, and I already
dropped several summer shows that I couldn't take any more. 

"What the fuck" exists for stuff like this episode.

That was amusing.

Ha! I would agree with you if his other movies didn't make millions, but they did, and that's why I'm wondering if there are other reasons. I dunno, maybe he was just having fun…

Eden Sher has been on fire this season.

I don't understand why would Bradley Cooper do this shitty movie when he's been doing really good movies the last few years. 

Gus was hilarious. That's all I can say about this episode. 

I think viewership are down for all broadcast networks, and that's because most network shows suck.
I think CBS won that demo because shows on other networks sucked more
this year. The real question is: compared to previous years, how did CBS
do in the demo? 

This sounds like a very boring idea…

This has been a disappointing season for so many reasons….

I think the way they are portraying the Martha and Nina characters is very interesting. In a way, they both were subjected to similar circumstances. They both were "spying", and they both fell in love with the man that "turned" them. The glaring difference came when the men that had crushes on them were both killed by

Oh Martha…. She reached a level of being naive that I can't feel bad for her.

"You can SUGGEST that."

Or, you can tell someone: "how can you forget my number, it's a part of Pi".