From under the table:
From under the table:
No love for the Connor clan? They'd feel like the least TVish family, I think. They're basically my family but with love and stuff.
Man, I hope these reviews are read enough to get through to the end of the show. Or is there an exception if the show is good enough? Like, if Mad Men reviews suddenly became the least read thing on the site, would the reviews continue on the basis of it deserving the analysis?
"It's a show about a family going through growing pains at a later stage".
My little sister is crazy about this film. This film and the Tinkerbell series of films. I don't even know.
The only correct answer is "The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice" from Moonlighting, though I'd like to read about Roseanne's "Sweet Dreams", Futurama's "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings", or Viva Laughlin's pilot, of maybe even both episodes if you guys are brave.
Based entirely on her twitter feed, I feel Pilot Viruet doing a full review of Raw each week would probably be the best thing the site ever did.
I feel Bob Odenkirk could run a pretty interesting show. His humour may be a little too oddball to work five nights a week though. I have a weirdly positive feeling about Lisa Kudrow show, but that might just be me. If we're doing perfect world style dreamcasting, the only answer is Timothy Olyphant. Also, is Neil…
So I guess Sally's major story arc involves being possessed by Glen…
Someone needs to explain this to me:
Nah, if Katie was Unique they would have had that as the climax to their plot, not the "popular girls" bit.
Will & Grace had an episode that seems to fit that description, give or take a Paul Reiser.
"You know, when I was in sixth grade, they told us when you
get to Oz you’ll either get Hat 1, Hat 2, or Hat 3. Hat 1’s a smart hat, Hat 2’s
a normal hat, and Hat 3 is a dumb hat. And what do you think I got? How do you
think it feels? To be given a dumb hat? When you’re eleven years old?"
I pretty much agree with the entirety of this review. The one other thing I have to say is that I'm increasingly worried about Troy. Pretty much all the other characters felt right this episode, and he wasn't as far off as he has been at times this season, but some of his lines (the push up joke springs to mind) are…
If "damn, it feels good to be a gangster" isn't a line in the coming season then I shan't be watching.
I This, indeed
No, it's a completely separate show.
Here's the trailer for it. It's pretty funny, but it feels a little like he's in on the joke now.
It is utterly fascinating how quickly these reviews get cited on Wikipedia. Every week, almost immediately they're up. Which one of you is doing it?
Oh no, I wasn't trying to insult My Co-Called Life, though I guess I can see how you could read it that way. It was meant to a Freaks & Geeks reference.