
I wasn't too bothered by it. At the end of the day, Breaking Bad wouldn't be as impacting if we didn't have a fleshed out family/side characters. Since Walt's actions are damaging those beyond him, we needed more to the other characters besides being one note (something I think they have dropped the ball with in

The TV show is a piece of shit.

The TV show is a piece of shit.

Great write up Todd.

Great write up Todd.

True Blood are the masters of deflating their own plot arcs. Any time the show is building towards something good, you just know they are going to find some way to NOT deliver on it.

True Blood are the masters of deflating their own plot arcs. Any time the show is building towards something good, you just know they are going to find some way to NOT deliver on it.

And yes, I realize this was just pointless rambling that ended up going nowhere.

And yes, I realize this was just pointless rambling that ended up going nowhere.

I feel kind of weird about the whole: I was using you all along from Jenna. Granted, I get that it was a given that along the road they became REAL friends.

I feel kind of weird about the whole: I was using you all along from Jenna. Granted, I get that it was a given that along the road they became REAL friends.

As someone that has been kind of disappointed with this season of Louie, I agree that I've enjoyed Wilfred more this season overall. I know that sounds insane, given that Louie is on a different level artistically and technically. But fuck it. How I FEEL.

As someone that has been kind of disappointed with this season of Louie, I agree that I've enjoyed Wilfred more this season overall. I know that sounds insane, given that Louie is on a different level artistically and technically. But fuck it. How I FEEL.

Jenna is hot.

Jenna is hot.

Bah, I'm someone that enjoyed Grimm's first season. Sure it had some crap episodes, but I generally enjoyed it even if it was mostly B-grade television.

Bah, I'm someone that enjoyed Grimm's first season. Sure it had some crap episodes, but I generally enjoyed it even if it was mostly B-grade television.

Just because Walt fancies himself a criminal mastermind, doesn't make him one. People need to realize that only a year has gone by in the show. Walt is smart, but he's also foolish. He's made plenty of mistakes in the past. And I expect him to continue to make mistakes, because realistically speaking, he is no drug

Just because Walt fancies himself a criminal mastermind, doesn't make him one. People need to realize that only a year has gone by in the show. Walt is smart, but he's also foolish. He's made plenty of mistakes in the past. And I expect him to continue to make mistakes, because realistically speaking, he is no drug

Normally I would agree. But here, I'm okay with it, because in both situations, it's not that Jesse had a brilliant idea out of no where. It's that, he came up with an alternate solution out of desperation. The first time we see this, he doesn't want to see Walt and Mike fighting. The second time, he doesn't want