
Yes, the voiceover has consistently been face-meltingly terrible this year, but it did give me the biggest laugh I've had from this show in awhile in the "I *am* the Bay Harbor Butcher" line.

'Folie a Deux' is definitely one of those great hours that flies under the radar. Whenever fans talk "relationship" episodes (not necessarily romantic), it's always 'Small Potatoes' or 'Arcadia' or similar humor episodes. But I think this one really captures the intensity and desperation of their incredibly fucked-up

Douche Mulder
As I was finishing reading the review I was like, "We're not going to talk about what a fucking tool Mulder was in this episode?", but I see what you did there.

Yea, I also remember it being Duchovny's idea, either because he had just gotten for real married or just to mind-fuck the fandom (well, both). I guess it makes sense - it's clear by this point in the series Carter & Co. were beginning their long, painful journey into We're Just Making This Shit Up As We Go.

Sweet jesus, that fucking wedding ring… how ridiculous.

The Red and the Black
to me, will always be the episode where Mulder and Krycek nearly consummate their man love.

For people who work in government, this really rings true, and it's one of the reasons I love The West Wing. Everyone IS afraid of everything; the opposition (within and without), the press, your own staff. And every small issue has the potential to blow up into A Huge Problem, and everything is treated as such.

Who's the black private dick
That's a sex machine to all the chicks?

Skeptic/Believer Swap
I never really felt that the whole Scully-as-Believer thread to this story felt unnatural, but I do see your point that it certainly seemed unmotivated and kind of out if left field at this time in the series.