Professor Martin Kemp

Why no McGanns?

Mayor Dave the orangatang, or those monkeys from Charles Darwin block?

Mayor Dave the orangatang, or those monkeys from Charles Darwin block?

Thank Grud.

Thank Grud.

These look like that they're based on the original Ezquerra designs. Which means awesome.

These look like that they're based on the original Ezquerra designs. Which means awesome.

They pulled a Travis on us! Replaced the beefy bastard with a thinner slightly more creepy version.

They pulled a Travis on us! Replaced the beefy bastard with a thinner slightly more creepy version.

Blimey, this disqus thing is confusing…wwhvd, what was irritating about Ferguson's book of counterfactuals is that he was arguing that without Martin Luther the Reformation could not have taken place…whereas your analysis, to my mind, is far more accurate: that things take place anyway, regardless or individual

Blimey, this disqus thing is confusing…wwhvd, what was irritating about Ferguson's book of counterfactuals is that he was arguing that without Martin Luther the Reformation could not have taken place…whereas your analysis, to my mind, is far more accurate: that things take place anyway, regardless or individual

The premise of the book is that all of history has been leading up to the genius of the American Century, a concept whiggish in its stupidity. That all history turns on the decisions of great men. That only the decisions of great men are worth studying…and, anyway, the whole idea of a 'counterfactual' is ridiculous.

The premise of the book is that all of history has been leading up to the genius of the American Century, a concept whiggish in its stupidity. That all history turns on the decisions of great men. That only the decisions of great men are worth studying…and, anyway, the whole idea of a 'counterfactual' is ridiculous.

Jag-u-whr is how we say it.

Jag-u-whr is how we say it.

How about Fergie's incredibly crappy Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals (1997), a set of arguments so poor and so ignorantly right-wing that it turned me into a Marxist overnight?

How about Fergie's incredibly crappy Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals (1997), a set of arguments so poor and so ignorantly right-wing that it turned me into a Marxist overnight?

No jokes here; only that I cannot like this review enough. Well done!

No jokes here; only that I cannot like this review enough. Well done!

Bear Grylls < Ray Mears < Ray Mears' funny bearded friend who ate those mushrooms that one time.