
I think it will make no sense at all without at least one of the earlier episodes, but the direction is *stellar*, so it will be entertaining.

I was thinking Matt was the one with the long term connection, too!

I am genuinely not sure who survives… someone who will have a connection to the house and leave it as a "maybe there's more…". Matt?

He is discussed in the Hollywood Squares feature on AVC…

Don't make any old lady cry.

Spectacular directing by Angela Bassett! I'm sorry the review didn't come up earlier so that I could comment when the ep was fresher in my mind. This was a rollercoaster of entertainment. Bad decisions, bitchy commentary, horrible accents, and fetal pigs! My only complaint: not enough man ass.

I'm sorry. I hope you have a good resolution to that situation.

Your public admission of administration counts. Go in peace.

Meh. I might be middle aged, but I still have taste!

Prank call recordings. Prank calls, period. So not amusing.

And the definition of fairy tale gets warped some more.

My take away from the utter clusterfuck that is this election cycle: though we are going to hell in the biggest handbasket ever, the President actually has far more limited powers than most people believe or accept, and we will stagger through.

You can be two things, but since I agree with you, are we four things?

He is the entire reason for this show, so I am hoping for some kind of curated clip thing on YouTube.

With!! Now that you put that image in mind…

Ned & Stacey was a very funny show, worth hunting down.

This show left my radar as soon as I saw Elsa sashaying out of that portal. So far, no recaps have made me want to fire up the DVR. Maybe if it was on later, and Robert Carlyle was naked?

No dander required! I just know that when I went to the ER, my blue Cross card meant I had to cough up $250 before being seen. Welcome to Michigan! But I only had a broken ankle, not an open bleeding wound.

Truly? Because my insurance says er visits require greenbacks.

They have no money, but Shelby got her ankle in a cast? Truly, my disbelief is suspended!