
Ian MacShane. Oh, how I lust after that man. Going on forty years now. And I hear that there is a fine supporting cast, as well!

I missed that! Interesting implications!

The music direction on this show is just gorgeous. The whole show is beautifully done, obviously a labor of love, and the soundtrack wraps it up perfectly. I came in on the season one binge, and now I am hooked.

Is it civic duty, or the need for vengeance?

I am relieved! Maybe the photo was just that wrong second. And a non dancer approved it for releas e.

I am cringing with horror. Seriously, is she even a dancer?

I got into SU thanks to reading the commentaries here. AT is my show, and I will miss talking about it here, the way I miss talking about Regular Show.

Amazing, amazing performances, especially from Stanley Tucci. Slow moving, not a thing with loose ends tied up, but great character studies.

A cut of just the dancing would be great