
So, Scorsese wants to shoot all his pictures in 3D… Please explain why this film needs 3D… Please Scorsese, go ahead


Where's Willem Dafoe from 'Antichrist'?

It's the new Spaced!!

So judging by his 'tweet' about watching another series of 'The Wire', Rushdie only watched the first season. I guess I'll only read the first couple chapters of his next novel, since apparently he thinks you can make judgements after experiencing 1/5th of the entire product.
Wonder if Midnight's Children is still a

More precisely the DoP knows how to light Tyrus' face to exemplify these features. Breaking Bad has some damn good DoP's and this episode features some of their best work.

I may be one of few, but I was crying for Walt at the end of that episode. That happens rarely… the crying, not the sympathy for Walt. I can't express just how much I loved/felt that shot at the end of the episode.

"because what you belive is stupid and dangerous"

The Wire earned that title, it told the story of a city from top to bottom, over 5 seasons. Entourage reached it's 'the end' when medellin was made and bombed. This was more of a 'capper' or 'death knell'.

Fucking Sookie!