
No one ever talks about Helium but they were one of my favorite 90's bands.  Mary Timony doesn't get enough credit for pioneering female indie medievel prog.

Well I don't know exactly when it started or when it disappeared, but it was there when I lived in Bellbrook from 1998-2000.  That branch was where I first read Watchmen and Batman: The Killing Joke among others.  (As well as where I would sign up for 30 minutes of precious, precious internet.  It was a simpler time…)

Keith Phipps: "No, I’m not forgetting about libraries. I grew up loving them, and still
do. But I also grew up in a shopping culture, and ended up spending
hours hanging out in bookstores during the many, many trips to the malls
across America I made as a kid."

'From A Table Away' was a breath of fresh air on country radio last year.  Of course, it says something about the state of mainstream country music that a song that sounds like an adult contemporary-fied Lucinda Williams track sounded WILDLY different from anything else on country radio.

I'll take 1988-1991 in the 'terrible pop music' pool.  The era of MC Hammer, C&C Music Factory, Vanilla Ice, Milli Vanilli, etc. -  dull dance jams filled with caterwauling sopranos and monotone raps, coupled with endless 3rd-rate hair metal 'ballads'.  Nobody misses this stuff.

I was hoping we'd finally get the Kyle Ryan _Are You Normal?_ writeup
we've been waiting for, but then I realized that album came out in 1992.