
That would be a wild twist to the story!

If Dorian made a pact with the devil for his youth (which isn't quite exactly how the book goes, but close enough), it would make sense that Mrs. Poole might know that info, given her relationship with Lucifer.

Reading "clap my hands with delight" gave me my first smile of the day!

I have to agree. The killings he's done in the past were a childish temper tantrum that other people were getting "dad's" attention.

I need to know that Sue and Darrin end up together some day! I love that big dork.

I've pretty much hated Crash from day one, but I admit the Ziploc bag with #2 pencils and a banana was adorable and sweet.

I was leaning towards Katya, but after last night, I'm all in for her. Her reaction to be read was adorable! I love someone who can laugh at themselves. She's also one of the most well spoken of the bunch.

How can you say that Chandler's job is mediocre and not professional? Do you even have any idea how much education and training it takes to be a transponster?

He'll always be Dr. Mark Devanow to me.

I don't know. The parents of the kids in a town like this have probably told some real horror stories to keep the kids inside the gates. Forget the boogeyman under the bed, you've got thousands of boogeymen outside the gates, just waiting to eat you alive.

I'm a middle-aged, suburban mom, and you couldn't PAY me to see this movie.

Oh, that's a good one, too!

Top of my list: The Shield's "Mum."

Couldn't they just have tissues in their purses in case they need to blow their nose?

I'm with you. I love seeing these two turning into a romantic, sweet couple who are slowly developing a deep bond. #TeamShamy

Semi at best. He was a little greasy looking.