
Donna, that was the most elegant dedication in words you could have summoned at such a sacred moment. You are a gifted writer and as privileged as you feel about writing it, I feel the same as watching it.
I am so glad I didn't have to binge watch this show, as so many people had to do. This cannot be binged, to

Donna, you gave it an A-? No way! It way an A+. It has graduated with the highest honours. Summa Cum Laude. Watch it again. Whatever you write will be wonderful. Thank you for your favourable critiques.

I cried when Walt looks at Holly. Now I can smile, just a little.
What a show. I actually watched some commercials. If they paid $300,000.00 for 30 seconds of advertising.

Elliot Schwartz looks like an alien.

Maybe? I think he was going to pull himself together, find Brockand start a new life. It was the very best ride I have been on. 5 years. The tears are flowing.

Once more. It seems to work, lying husbands and actors named Saul. It works for Homeland and also with the best ever BB.

I recommend finding a producer for a another hit drama with a lying husband and a A character named Saul. It worked for Homeland and it worked for the very best to conclude tomorrow nite Breaking Bad. Cheers.

Did these fans stop watching and call? Or do they call after. I had a feeling the average age for fans is 14. Pathetic. The most I ever did is see if a company actually exists and I hated myself, but call a number? Did they want to disappear?
Gotta go, about 43 hours to go.

This is not funny. Last year we complained about 11 months that it's taking too long for Bad to come back, now look, we are hours away from never again. Ever. I am in AARP LAND, so those 18-49 can have little time before you fall in love with another show or girlfriend, or boyfriend.
I have been invested since day 1.

If you want to see an episode from the past , season 3 episode 11. ABIQUIU .
You can see how it starts to go real bad for Andrea.
Also Saul meeting Skylar, if they all walked away, if it were real life. But it was a television superb dark drama, with a twist of comedy.
I have to get used to the word "was"
After Sunday,

I would watch Robin Williams. If I forced to watch one. Good thing I can pass on both.

For a starter it was better than Michael Fox. Another family show? News flash. Nada. This Robin Williams show was more like a short funny version of SMAsh without cousin Debs scarves.

They did say that, but I read the finale is next week.
A excellent show. Kruger is exceptional in her acting, as. Well as the others.
This show, being copied from the Swedish version is so good. I can't believe we have to wait for it to begin. I am sure Sonya will have the same Jacket.
Also Charlotte really is a whore.

Oh my, I just saw Bear. I must be in Breaking Bad is almost over land. Can't see beyond it yet.

I did enter a comment I love Person of Interest💤

Good job Phil, love POI. Mr. Reese so hot, and Carter with making Elias safe. A real solid first episode. Just need Bear next week. There is life on CBS.

Someday, you will wake up and find there will be no net work television! Maybe a few day time and net work will ne sports.
Everyone got too smart and realise the good stuff, the great stuff is all on Cable. I am too tired to name them all so I will start with . Breakink Bad, The Americans , The Bridge, Homeland.

Mostly in malls. Yummy!

I have watched most of the episodes of RD. Tonight I came to the conclusion this show is a copy of The Sopranos with actors portraying people retarded. Mentally impaired. Mrs. Donavan is definitely channeling Edy Falco. ( not as well). Ray is a terrible Tony Soprano. Even his kids are the the soprano kids.
The rest

Mr. Reesey told the auctioneer to keep the letters. He didn't buy them.
Thought it was a good episode of poi. THIS billionaire was quite a character. I like the watch he gave Reesey that Finch figured it had a GPS. Good dog Bear. Make sure they keep you happy!