
TASCIONI, TASCIONI, TASCIONI,  Yes love that ditzy lawyer.  The Good Wife was incredible!  Christine was in a class by far. So much to live up to. Perffection at it's best. Just the ticket after a hiatus of none for so many weeks. Make room for Carrie Preston. CHEERS!

I love Will's lawyer.I wish she could be on TGW more often. 
What a great night watching this show and DOWNTON ABBEY>  The winter hiatus was too long for television.

No spoilers.  Who could possibly be not up to date??  They didn't put Gus in.  Jane part, really sick.  Since Walt could have helped.  Certainly a quick fix, since season 5 will not begin till summer 2012 according to AMC during a repeat of BB last sunday. Too long to wait

Aaron Paul???  your crazy.  neverrr

I just want to see who you think is anything like Aaron Paul

how do all these people know about this show if it isn't even 9 p.m?

I COULDN'T WATCH  this for more than 3 minutes, and god knows, we need another show.  This is not happening!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR  to the writers of A.V club.  We surely need your opinion. Tired of making my own. In between enjoyed some television that we missed like PERSON OF  INTEREST.  Welcome back, and sharpen your pencils! here we go into season 2012

A small correction.  I look back watching BB on the dvd of the show, not the AMC channel 
It is January 1 2012.  As I casually watch AMC showing a episode of Breaking Bad  CANCER MAN.  During the commercial break they said I t will return  THIS SUMMER.  once again we will wait till July for this wonderful show.  Too

The really good shows on television have a few hundred comments.
When I see 32 people have wanted to vent, I know this must be  too stupid'
I used to watch, but this show is like watching a bunch of Bobbi and Ken dolls doing and saying WHITE NOISE>  I changed the channel,

Whoever commented here, it wasn't tonight December 22nd. All of you are just in melt down fro BB, and maybe weakened by the dreadful WD. Timing is everything. Right now I think Person is my new favorite show. Exciting to watch. When they (networks) are showing so many things on every channel, you can't possibly

Phil, that is one of the most   beautiful article I have read.  Northern Exposure was one of my all time favorite shows. I never missed oneepisode. I remember Adam Arkin   the "chef" and Anthony Hopkins.  The two  men who lived there who are gay. Maurice and his dinners. Show was brilliant. David Chase seldom

This past saturday, about 1 a.m. caught this show on WOR tv. Probably a rerun.
I think  Ashton does a great job in this show. I DVR it when it was on and the celebs were really funny.
I heard two celebs  will have no part of being punk'd  George Clooney and Ellen Degeneras.
Bieber is too young, unless nothing more than

It certainly a  "pretty" show.  Those are real parties. Conspicutious consumtion! enough of real people doing stupid things. 
What are these people like in real life situations?.
While we watch (hate doing it) maybe in Watch what happens they should show the real side of these barbie and ken dolls.
Actually, I'll say

This show is about channeling  Deb is chaneling  Karen Carpenter.  For godsakes eat a cheeseburger   give the girl some icecream.  Dexter just because Colin Hanks is on your show. Do you think you should channel Forest Gump.  Yep, you sure look not so quick

Maybe FX should write about a net work that makes the worst shows. The worst ever.  Then one day they do anotherf that's sensational, everyone loves it. They call it TERRIERS.  Then they cancel it!  that's good for  FX.  

to experience the last episode this season is to give you a round of applaus! I can at least multi task and read a book, how dreadful even the very last show was. Wherebis that girl from last year , she was  working with Dexter, so terrific. Were the producers afraid we might like her better?  well we do. Will Colin

what are you talking about?  You mention various television that you feel stupid watching, but then you feel like watching because of ///
Go back to LOST IN SPACE.  surely with so much time on your hand, the archives will lead you there.
Please never ever BREAKING BAD with any show ever. That show is incredible.

Debs better quit that shrink!
What a dispicable thing to suggest to her patient about Dexter.
Real smart doctor, patient is vulnerable and  unsure. So you put incest in her mind.
Your supposed to just listen. Thank god Deb was onlyt dreaming. The show is bad enough.

I even endured the commercials and loved this show. 
Kalinda and Alicia was memorable,
"All Peters horses and all his good men", it took Kalinda, smarter than all of them to find Grace.
I liked Peter in general inthis episode.  Maybe Alicia will  give him a chance.
All said and done, the Good Wife is a winner.