
Yeah, I'm gonna miss RC. She seemed bright but she made a horrible miscalculation allying with batshit Albi on the first day.

Yeah, I'm gonna miss RC. She seemed bright but she made a horrible miscalculation allying with batshit Albi on the first day.

The "Grizzly" poster was illustrated by Neal Adams.

The "Grizzly" poster was illustrated by Neal Adams.

Super Max Kinkel was fighting back tears toward the end of that hard-hitting interview.

Super Max Kinkel was fighting back tears toward the end of that hard-hitting interview.

…than seeing someone cry because they got a letter from a loved one they haven't seen in a mere two weeks.

…than seeing someone cry because they got a letter from a loved one they haven't seen in a mere two weeks.

Apparently Carter has stumbled upon some wild marijuana plants, because his speech cadences make him sound as if he's either 1) stoned or 2) legally retarded.

Apparently Carter has stumbled upon some wild marijuana plants, because his speech cadences make him sound as if he's either 1) stoned or 2) legally retarded.

He's already targeting the psychotic Brazilian lady at the challenges, which I enjoy immensely

He's already targeting the psychotic Brazilian lady at the challenges, which I enjoy immensely

That incident "played out" with Sue Hawk leaving the game and afterward, there were lots of accusations of sexual harassment and threats of lawsuits. Allegedly Mark Burnett Productions wrote Sue a check to make it all go away.

That incident "played out" with Sue Hawk leaving the game and afterward, there were lots of accusations of sexual harassment and threats of lawsuits. Allegedly Mark Burnett Productions wrote Sue a check to make it all go away.

I think Pete mentioned that he wanted Abi on his side specifically because she's insane. He probably figures that with her obnoxious personality, she'll be a perfect goat if he goes all the way to the end.

I think Pete mentioned that he wanted Abi on his side specifically because she's insane. He probably figures that with her obnoxious personality, she'll be a perfect goat if he goes all the way to the end.

Seriously. I can't believe contestants never yell at Probst to shut his fucking cakehole during the challenges. We all know he gets little man-crushes on dudes who play aggressive physical games, but could he try to hide his obvious contempt for all other players a little better?

Seriously. I can't believe contestants never yell at Probst to shut his fucking cakehole during the challenges. We all know he gets little man-crushes on dudes who play aggressive physical games, but could he try to hide his obvious contempt for all other players a little better?

I would have loved to have seen much more (MUCH MUCH more) archival Move and ELO footage; instead, they barely got mentioned so that viewers could hear Tom Petty, Joe Walsh and Paul McCartney talk about how awesome Jeff Lynne is for 45+ minutes. It was like, "Jeff Lynne played in some local bands, he formed ELO, which

I would have loved to have seen much more (MUCH MUCH more) archival Move and ELO footage; instead, they barely got mentioned so that viewers could hear Tom Petty, Joe Walsh and Paul McCartney talk about how awesome Jeff Lynne is for 45+ minutes. It was like, "Jeff Lynne played in some local bands, he formed ELO, which