
He's rerecording the songs because he's been sued by former ELO members, so he won't have to pay them any royalties this way.

He's rerecording the songs because he's been sued by former ELO members, so he won't have to pay them any royalties this way.

I'll take a "Parade of Suckers We Voted Out" over a fucking midseason clip show any day of the week.

"…and therefore the rest of the tribe's strategy turned into "Kiss Kim's ass and hope she'll take me to the final 3".

Word on Tarzan. I mean, it's great you love your wife and all but isn't that what you're SUPPOSED to do? Methinks he doth protest too much.

He won't be back next season, but he will be back eventually.

I disagree that Kim played with intelligent and savvy people. Christina? Alicia? Tarzan? Lief? KAT? Kim was clearly running the show and several players not in her immediate circle knew it, and yet they all just sat back and waited to get voted off rather than making any kind of significant moves.

What you said re: Tarzan. There's a special place in hell for whoever it was that bought Tarzan his "Increase Your Word Power" calendar.

I'd love to see Colton back, just to see him promptly voted out.

I don't fault Kim this at all, but my main problem with "Survivor" is that MOST OF THE CONTESTANTS DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE GAME. Most of them are content to let another player do all the thinking for them. (Here's another one for the "Survivor" drinking game: Take a swig when somebody says, "Tell me who to vote for.")

@JudgeReinhold:disqus "Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I think in the first Coach/Tyson season they buried it like 3 feet deep under some sand. It definitely wasn't something you could just stumble across."

Same here. At least Tarzan seemed aware that he was a goat; Alicia seems to genuinely believe she's running the show.

Thanks, my brain is now vomiting

I just said I liked Rob, but we all know that TPTB would have kept bringing Rob back on "Survivor" until he won the damn thing.

sarCCasto: One thing I find amusing about some "TAR" contestants is that they say crap like, "We've got a target on our backs!" as if the other teams can vote them out of the race or whatever. "TAR" eliminates much of the social game BS that makes "Survivor" such a clusterfuck.

I didn't care for Boston Rob on "Survivor," but after seeing him and Ambuh on "TAR," I gained some respect for him.

In Soviet Russia, spambot filters you!

This has been mentioned before in earlier recap discussion threads, but it seems that EVERY season of "Survivor" casts 2 or 3 players at the most who actually PLAY (i.e., strategize, pay attention to pecking orders, do basic math to see what kind of voting blocs can be built) while the other 16 contestants glom onto

Exactly. Even factoring in the hunger, lack of sleep and physical exhaustion, these people each voluntarily signed up for a 39-day reality show; it's not as if they get shipped off to Siberia or Mars or wherever, so I've always found all the blubbering and histrionics that accompany the "Letter/Video from Home" bit to

On previous seasons, they didn't let them keep the leftover money. And, IIRC, contestants COULD pool their cash, so they could possibly outbid another player.