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    She writes it off to prove a point. i, too, have a problem with the writer acting like being sold into wifehood at 13 is any way consensual. the show NEEDED to show how traumatic the entire experience is for Dany and they substituted 1 form of sexual assault for another, more accepted on TV form (since it doesn't

    But isn't that what happens in the book? Except she gets into it after some protests, which apparently makes it ok? "She pounded on his chest with feeble fists". Everybody seems to be cool with the book depiction of rape just to make a point about the show. So weird.

    What's a little light protest, amirite?

    Agreed. She seems so distraught over the loss of her son, and every character comments how much she loves her children and how it's her only redeeming quality. Yet, she'd have sex next to the corpse of her dead son? that would undermine ALL of that. Sounds like the show chose a direction for these characters and

    Whoa. did she willfully misinterpret the scene in the book just to make a point? That scene in the book certainly sounds like rape to me.

    Or maybe you're just seeing what you want to see instead of engaging in conversation.

    I'm never moving to Spain, that's for sure.

    Then can we hold off on the outrage until they each get another scene with each other? I mean, there's plenty of time for handwringing AFTER the story plays out.

    Ha! You forgave him for all of his other 'ruthless jerk' things like murdering and crippling family members and children, but this rape is a bridge too far! I guess it's because of the recency, and because he struck up a friendship with an unlikely ally and mopes around a lot now.

    Finally, a chance to post this!

    Statutory rape (in the book) is still rape. So, 2-1?

    I figured they made Tyrion a super good guy because of how much everybody loves Dinklage.

    Obviously. It was about him trying to exert power over her and 'win' her back. Everybody is misinterpreting what I'm saying tonight! argh!

    I didn't see Tyrion as a bad guy at all in the show. He sent Shae away because he lover her and feared for her safety. The whole thing about needing yo be with Sansa was a charade to get her to think he didn't love her any more. People thought he was a bad guy for this?

    No, he was desperate, and desperate men do foolish and harmful things, especially to those that they love. She had cruelly dismissed him in the previous episode, blaming him for things that weren't his fault, such as being captured. He tried to remind her how much she loved him in the worst possible way.

    Sorry, I didn't look at the timestamp of the article, which I clearly should have. I also should have assumed that the writer would discuss major plot point of upcoming episodes in interviews.

    So maybe they're just taking Jamie in a different direction from the books? You can disagree with that direction, of course. But the way the article argues that it's pointless is kind of premature, since things are still playing out.

    Then why all that stuff about Dany? ANd how this is the second strike against the show?

    And reaching out and grabbing for the tablecloth. That wasn't the embrace of a woman 'giving in to passion' or whatever horseshit he says.

    Well, he can be redeemed from all the other atrocities he's committed, but not this rape? He's murdered family members with his bare hands!