xgau disciple

Liked for "otherpoint".

The only Hatesong I've really liked was (weirdly enough) the one where the guitar player from goddamn Fall Out Boy talking about Lou Bega's "Mambo No. 5", because its actually sympathetic and understanding of the creative process instead of just angry bashing.

What about the moment when Otachi spreads its wings for the first time? My jaw dropped.

Pacific Rim makes me deliriously happy. Gotta love the way it achieves metaphorical weight on sheer size; you're not just watching a robot punch a monster, you're watching the forces of SCIENTIFIC REASON and COOPERATION punch THE HORROR OF THE UNKNOWN and MINDLESS IMPERIALISM.

Christmas has now been pushed so far back by advertisers than it actually starts before Thanksgiving now, so I think its equilibrium is already pretty fucked.

I won a gift card, a sweatshirt, and a bag in a Jeopardy!-style trivia contest the other day. Congratulate me.

I'd nominate Godzilla as a third perfect monster suit.

Looks like he failed to deliver here though.

I could have posted a content-free comment here to get firsties but I'm nicer than that.


Because good online communities are insanely hard to come by and AVC/GS has one. I don't read AV Club for the articles, which are just okay, but I love the community more than anything else on the internet.

You're off to a good start. Just make sure you get into a shelter when the pun run siren sounds.

oh. Like XB One. Now I get it.

I just for the first time realized that your avatar wasn't a picture of a parrot.

But are the people you shoot at brown? I'll only buy it if I get to shoot brown people.

Yes and I'm pretty sure that GS posters coming over here for the first time are terrified of us.

I'll wait to see if it comes out for PS2.

A what?

The router at my house has sticky notes covering up all the lights so the dog can sleep.

I got a headache reading it but I read it anyway. But its still better than AVC redesign ZING!!!