
Charlie Hilton's Palana is underrated.

The ring came off my pudding can!

Anyone who doubts Nic's talent as an actor should watch Adaptation.

The Grand Theft Auto series wouldn't be half as good without cheats.

Intensely happy to see this article! Brainiac are criminally underappreciated.

Peach Kelli Pop is great.

I was a fan for a brief period in the mid 00s roughly corresponding to that time! Now that's a soap opera worth watching.

Rooney Mara had better win or I'll shit my pants.

In case you missed it: in case you missed it.

Really funny. Just really, really funny. Really funny.

This is one of my favourite albums. Start it in the late afternoon so the second half coincides with the onset of dusk - the perfect way to hear it!

Apparently Vishnevetsky's favourite film of the year, which does a lot to recommend it.

Honestly, if you're a fan of dumb monster-of-the-week episodes like I am, first season is pretty good. And I mean, it is Buffy! I'll take less-than-stellar Buffy over most other things any day.

Race bonuses matter less as you level. Here is a tip: if it is miscellaneous item, it is probably not worth carrying. I made a point of only picking something up if the shown value corresponded to the weight at a ratio of 1:20 - i.e. if it weighs 1 I want 20 gold back for it, 2 to 40 and so on.

Dennis Quaid… start the reactor… free Mars

Really? I didn't find her obnoxious at all, I actually like her even more after having read it.

Great writeup!

This album rules! Immediately after hearing it I bought a ticket to see her play in a couple of months.

What happened to Gateway to Geekery?

Fiona Apple was missing :(