
I wish Andy Daly had more money so that he didn't have to do shit like this.

Texas?  Oh right.

Ha ha! Nobody listens to the Prime Minister of Canada.  Not even his wife and kids.

I guess she didn't want to tempt fate twice seeing as she had already attempted an abortion with a decidedly less sterilized coat hanger.  In the interest of full disclosure I have no idea whether or not I was breast fed and know of no way to find out at my age that doesn't involve a conversation that I never want to

NC may get a D+ but my lovely home state of Texas gets an F!  I spent a couple of weeks in Winston-Salem recently and it really was beautiful.  Chopped pork and Cheerwine…mmmmm.  I will say that despite being a white man (or because of) I did run into some very over the top racists there though.  Nice folks otherwise

stab, stab, stab, stab, beef stew!

But Grace is the one that does the axing!

You're goddamn right it was!  In all of it's greasy, stringy glory!

Nobody ever means Paris, Texas.

I'm pretty sure that Jody described following junkies to dealers in order to rob the dealers. 

That's pretty good.  I hadn't thought of it that way.

Dr Pepper may have trouble finding distribution in and around the Atlanta area as that's Coca-Cola's home turf.  Coke will force Mr. Pibb on anyone it can which is why it pops up at movie theaters and corporate fast food joints.

Just don't think about it too much.

I thought that as well.  There could not be a poorer phrase to use in that situation.  I did laugh though.

To possibly paraphrase Cinnamon Bun, "You don't really focus on anything".

I've enjoyed both of the books in "The Magicians" series so far.  They can get pretty epic without falling under the saga header.  I haven't read  much else in the fantasy novel series genre.  I used to pick up those Gardner Dozois edited anthologies quite a bit though.


I bought a vape about a year ago and it's really nice.  I find myself using less weed so it's probably paid for itself by now.  That grinder is pretty much mandatory if you're going to be using a vape.

This only works to your advantage financially if you can get them high on fake novelty coke.