Looking For Some Proustian Pus

The shiteness of moral relativism urges me to stay. That, and the curiosity of why others seem to rave about it.


At the end of the day, who gives a fuck if it had anything to do with Chaucer? It's a damn good movie. The fuck are you— Ezra Pound? the ego of Stephen King? Shut the hell up, AV club "writer".

Conservatives are the worst regarding political memes. LOL Nice one

Teenagers having sex. Other teenagers having sex. Sex are having teenagers. It's tiring. In fact I'm having sex right now and it's tiring!!

"U.K. buzz bands are a dime a dozen…"

Ha, *my* life choices— nice one, you lazy defense attorney.

Good god,shut the fuck up. I reckon you too should have an expiration date by now.

Screw you. I could give a freak.

You mean The New Kids on the Block's "Angel" right?

Why the fuck does this avclub keep insisting on holding up all these current shitty MTV shows as if they're some high comment on our present societal climate?? We get it— they're not like THE JERSEY SHORE or those latter day THE REAL WORLDs!

Hey look 'ere everybody! after taking time off from putting down all TV shows and sucklikes, Craig J. Clark has now once again never failed to relay to us his superior cinematic taste by putting down a deleted movie scene!! What a fella

Hardly beneficial for its commercial viability, is it?

I agree with everything you've said above.

Haha, still doesn't make an arbiter of good taste. Too fuckin' empirically inclined, the twat. good god, I surmise bitches like that would seem like a fuckin' chore in bed and/or marriage.

Rachel Roy— the fuckin' semi-sedated chick with all the fuckin' clichés a-spewing like fuck?? Ohh fuck no.

What?? I thought Tu— being the total antithesis (if I'm using the right word there) to Homeless Salvador Dali guy— was a shit seamstress, but had good design ideas and a designer's point-of-view to boot— unlike 3/4ths of all the other sideline fucks.

QUESTION— Does Miss Nina Garcia gets a cut on the profits of the winner's initial line? cause she sure as hell keeping harping on about salability, salability, salability(!!!). Man, what happened to the old Nina Garcia from Seasons 1-3 (the seasons where I actually watched every minute of every episode)???

Shitty sex joke after shitty sex joke made by shitty quasi-teenagers. The fuck is this— a TV version of American Pie?
Fuck this shitty show.

Ohh, now you say the bass player is from the Minutemen, he's fuckin' great then!!!