madame nose

Somehow I'm quite confident that "The Gods Must Be Crazy II" fits quite neatly into this discussion — but unfortunately I lack the time & energy to exposit & expound thereupon just now..

It's on Amazon IV now … Fascinating though flawed film, but I'm glad to have experienced it!

In the page or two out of seven I've managed to scan thus far, I haven't noticed anyone else commenting on how Hamm seemed to have a conscious "I know I'm channeling Walter White" gleam in his eye when he said "It's over when I say it's over!" (in a very different context!) … At least it really struck ME that way …

Yuppies ARE assholes by definition … period! … My empathy ended when they put on their monkey suits and decided to serve capitalism to begin with! But on its own terms I thought that this was a superb episode of the series for that very reason … At this point Don is so over-cooked and dissociated that he's walking

Now we have to do one of these for full-body suits like Banana Splits & Wombles & stuff …

Who voiced the aristocratic pervert guy? He was one of the funniest characters on it — would always propose these ludicrously perverse ideas & then say "Yes yes???"

and the Hitchcock episode with the female dummy is a nice twist on the theme as well — can't think of the title offhand

I've done of a lot of re-visiting of it over the past year — & by and large it certainly deserves its reputation … But although it ultimately condemns the behaviors and attitudes it depicts, it certainly glamorizes and projects them as well … Then again, this kind of moral ambivalence has become a hallmark of the age

* this is my first time looking at this feature — guess it could be useful for reccommendations — thanks to the person suggesting the A Bester stories — i've always wanted to read The Stars our Destination because of growing up with the Stereolab song …

Last year I "heard" Stevie Wonder's whole set + etc. live at Outside Lands without a ticket by finding the place where the other ticket-less weirdos crouch & pace in the shrubs … But they put so much effort into the barricades that you can't see much … But for me for the most part Hardly Bluegrass a couple months

What about "The Gods Must be Crazy" with which Coke found great displeasure on various levels apparently … To the extent that some prints still include an extensive disclaimer tacked on to appease Coke …

In honesty they're worlds apart — but what's disgusting is that the new American Beck's is now almost as bad as Bud or PBR or what have you … (Just as for years Canadian Guinness is scarcely even worth drinking …)

As was "American Girl" … as in "Hmmm … why not violently abduct one?!?"

Hmmm …. Maybe by your theory we'll wind up with a finale with Megan's head in a box … and Morgan Freeman will be there somehow …  "WHAT'S IN THE BOX ?!?!?" … OK I'll stop now …

Everything about Henry Francis seems phony & hollow … I wouldn't pick him for anything at all — but then again, that's why I don't vote I guess … Because those people always have that Teflon quality … (Trying to think of a cute joke about scrubbing HF to tie into the maid firing but can't think of one …)

It's come up now — just watched it on Amazon

But right at the instant that he strangles her in his nightmare, suddenly at that moment you see the radiant Twin Peaks Shelly beauty shining through all that over-the-top predatory milf get-up

Maybe that'll be the Tuesday nite or something … How about the scene in "Harvard Man"? … That's really crazy …

My favorite is the beginning of the Carpenters' "Make Believe It's the First Time" when you can crank it up & hear Karen's undertone: "Ugh, I have to get into a serious mood here" … 

Everyone keeps saying that he's "hypocritical" because he's as disgusting a person as the train husband he calls the most disgusting person … But in fact the circumstances couldn't be less analagous …