Mo Better Booze

Using "Peak TV" non-ironically?

"Overall, he gives the kind of performance traditionally associated with stars who died during filming." See, now I have to see it. (actually, I say that now but I'll completely forget about in about a half hour).

The author's photograph ensures I will never read this book.

The old, "The show failed, not because it sucked, but because everybody was out to get us" routine.

Kimmel is the host the Oscars deserve.

Can dumb reality shows really be flops?

It's called freedom of choice.

I was just ranking them in the order in which they were released. I've actually only seen the first one.


Ahhh, public schools.

Saws ranked:

He's making them for the money. Do you think he purchases everything on a cash only basis. He might be leveraged up to his eyeballs for all we know.

Uh-oh, go to your safe place AC Clubbers! Go to your safe place!

This fruit is so low-hanging that you have to step over it.

When you have a vile buffoon running against a criminal racketeer tough choices have to be made.

"Basketball was never like this, Skip."

Yeah and why is there only one woman left in the audience, and why do they keep making her ask questions? And why don't the people in the back talk? In a real film screening people other than SNL cast members would speak as well.

Well the new secretary thought Dylan more worthy than Roth, Banville, Carey, Murakami, Kundera and others so I'm not holding out much hope.

This got more coverage on The A.V. Club than Dylan's Nobel Prize.

Yep, now the Nobel group can go another 23 years before naming another American and those guys plus Roth, DeLillo, & Oates will be long dead.