Mo Better Booze

Meh. Everyone's time would have been better spent reading one of Richard Price's novels rather than watching his show.

Claire's Knee

Yes, and…?

Yeah, nothing like a bunch of uninformed comedians riffing off the top of their head in 30 second sound bites to make sense of the tumultuous times.

Most people don't realize that Nabokov wrote the screenplay of Lolita.

"Bob Zmuda earned a permanent place in the comedy pantheon…"

Jonah's diet isn't really working anymore.

That is definitely where I am going. I skip judges and propositions sometimes if I don't really know what I'm voting on but in this case I'm skipping the Presidential race because, sadly, I know exactly what I'm voting on.

Wouldn't want to see him in the nude.

Actors confuse themselves with their characters all the time and in that sense they are all candy-asses comparatively.

The AV Club's new business plan is to act as an elaborate You Tube search engine.

I'm 90% certain that her glasses have clear lenses.

Controversial in that some thought it should have closed on opening night whiles others thought that it should never have existed in the first place.

Does Weird Al own a piece of The AV Club?

Maybe your neighbors…

I'm glad that Bridges is out of his YA fantasy dreck phase and is back to real acting.

Well they can't use Cameron Esposito for every feature I guess.

No, he churned out dreck for a few decades.

With no end in sight.

In conclusion, Vice Principals is a show of contrasts. School's out, you don't have to write term papers anymore.