Mo Better Booze

The so-called, "old and lost it era" of Hitchcock also produced the great, "Frenzy."  Also Hastings is right, "Topaz" is way better it's reputation.

The so-called, "old and lost it era" of Hitchcock also produced the great, "Frenzy."  Also Hastings is right, "Topaz" is way better it's reputation.

Ah the professional hitman.  He appears in Hollywood movies by the score but never actually in real life.

Ah the professional hitman.  He appears in Hollywood movies by the score but never actually in real life.

I agree with everything you said when it comes to Radnor except, "no trouble," "tv stars," and "popularity."

I agree with everything you said when it comes to Radnor except, "no trouble," "tv stars," and "popularity."

Haven't thought of  Jason and the Scorchers in years.  They played my Grad Night at Disneyland along with the Dazz Band, Krash, Matthew Wilder, Dwight Twilley and Sparks. Quite a lineup.

Haven't thought of  Jason and the Scorchers in years.  They played my Grad Night at Disneyland along with the Dazz Band, Krash, Matthew Wilder, Dwight Twilley and Sparks. Quite a lineup.

This show is really not worth the analysis Joshua Alston puts into it.

This show is really not worth the analysis Joshua Alston puts into it.



Yes and if you screw a German Shepherd you won't be having kids either.

Yes and if you screw a German Shepherd you won't be having kids either.

It was Jon Peters' house not Peter Guber's house or even Peter Gruber's house (whoever that is), but yeah…

It was Jon Peters' house not Peter Guber's house or even Peter Gruber's house (whoever that is), but yeah…

Everything you need to know about the state of Hollywood is that it now takes two directors to make dreck like this.

Everything you need to know about the state of Hollywood is that it now takes two directors to make dreck like this.

I didn't even buy him as a teacher in The Hangover.
