
If you can talk you can sing. If you can walk you can dance.

He is an artist, he must create.

Let me guess. Computer programmer, computer magazine columnist, something with computers?

It only seems odd because you haven't read your Dictionary of Newspeak.

These tests are obviously dolphin-centric.

The ex-wife might be a horrible person but that is mostly irrelevant. It isn't alimony he is paying, it is child support and the laws in Ontario are pretty messed up.

Three comments and one DJ
CashRulez triple posts with no delay
Mix Master Mike what you got to say?
New B-Boys album made my day

Fact Check: The last cross border attack on the US was from Mexican General Francisco 'Poncho' Villa in 1916.

Let's get our conspiracy theories correct: The Iran - Contra affair was about the CIA running drugs, weapons and money back and forth between the US, South America and the Middle East. The chance that Reagan was the master mind seems very slim since Vice President Bush had been the head of the CIA right before he took

The big twist is that she was once a child star but everyone forget who she was - including herself!

We are all just too old to enjoy Boom Boom Pow. Like The_King, my 2-year-old also loved to dance to this song. However, I did enjoy the scene in The Other Guys where this song is used.

Every scene that Raj shares with a female character and speaks (as opposed to whispering in Wolowitz's ear) he has to have a drink to maintain continuity. Now that every other member of the group is dating someone, he is constantly drinking. In the inevitable intervention episode I'm guessing that Penny's letter will

UConn Motherf**kers!

Saw both recently and the first one is good, esp some of the dialog and Vincent D's performance. The special effects don't hold up but I wouldn't expect them to. The 2nd one is fairly dreadful but not as bad as I thought it was when it first came out. That said I would still re-watch the first if I had an afternoon to

My 90's techno band sampled Sam Jackson saying "Oh fooey, I burned the muffins" from Long Kiss Goodnight. Right after Pulp Fiction came out that sample was gold.

God, the ultimate conspiracy theory.

They were spooked like rats in a death cage.

I quit.


I'm trying to clean up the languaage, I have a daughter now. That is her in the Avengers shirt my wife bought for her. Cute, eh?