
oh I really wished they could have stayed in non-switch 'verse! That would have meant we'd still have AJ and Tobias (Bay's reaction to him checking her out made me laugh so hard) but best of all that horrible ending last season didnt happen.

Faaaaark Daphne, really, fuck her. I cant believe she gets no consequences.

I paused the episode just to point out the funniest hashtag placement yet: #PoorEmmett

My favourite part about that, the two of them hardly even flinched, didn't acknowledge it, just kept on walking.

urgh, I'd be much happier if they had've just broken up properly in the car, this additional drama is boring and forced, I'm not a rampant Bemmett fan (and even less of a #bemmettforever fan) but whenever they were on screen together to just highlighted how little chemistry Bay and Tank has as a romantic couple.

I find Angelo utterly boring so I fast forward through his storyline, but from the start and the end of his scenes it looks like he's going the lottery winner route and will be broke by the end of the year. I can only imagine John's smug face when it happens.

It says something about how much I love this show that I watched this before I watch the Community episodes. As much as I liked her in previous episodes, I was really sold on Moriarity in this and what her lingering presence means for the future of our main characters.

if only it had been raining, missed opportunity.

This bothered me a little too, but all I can think to explain it is that when she jumped ahead in time she was wearing the same clothes so the same could be said about her jumping back in time, bringing the phone with her video back with her.

I agree with everything in this review except the +. Make that a D- for me.
Show, I officially give up.

So true about the Silas storyline, and it just seemed to draaag on and on didn't it?

I know, everyone has turned into the worst version of themselves, killing Bonnie and keeping her around for so long made an already boring character unwatchable.

urgh. This is the first episode of VD I fast forwarded through whole chunks of (mostly the Bonnie parts, she's the worst). It was so obvious what was going to happen, that is not something that I usually get from this show, I'm just happy that dud of a storyline is done with (sort of).

Oliver's doing a great job, and like the other commenters have said it feels a bit like a Zaltzman-less Bugle which is fine by me.

I'm going to miss this show so much! I'm still in the anger stage of grief and I don't think I'll get to acceptance anytime soon, I think mostly because unlike 2 of my other favourite shows that ended before its time, Arrested Development and Firefly (also Veronica Mars when this movie happens) I doubt there'll be any

Watching these episodes is like salt. Makes the wounds of cancellation hurt all over again but it makes life that little bit better. And something about heart disease, I dunno, that metaphor ran away from me.

I forgave the accent for this exact reason. It was a little distracting though, and for a while there I wondered why they would cast a British actress with an iffy American accent but then she switched and it was like a breath of fresh air.
I dont care much for procedurals, or at least the modern day CSI

Winston has become my favourite character. I dont know how he did it, it was so subtle, I only noticed when rewatching the season in full how awesome he is, but him wearing the Eddie Murphy suit just clinched it for me.

I'm with you, I'm reserving judgment for the next episode.

That scene was great! I've heard a lot of people say Tennant is "their" doctor (I've been listening to the Nerdist a lot lately) but Smith is mine.