In soviet Wyoming, Waffles eat you for breakfast.
In soviet Wyoming, Waffles eat you for breakfast.
I'm surprised this news showed up on AV Club.
What other kind is there?
Lunar Lander or GTFO!
And the "Dumber than a Sack of Hammers" Contestants week continues….
Don't try to force your inferior formats on me @avclub-d6a67a3808af66a2c60a8d8cb41468db:disqus
…Tony Stark in Iron Man 2, which is a film I will admit to enjoying far more than its crummy reputation suggests.
Season 3 Mired in the Long
Prometheus burn!
Hashish is a hell of a spice.
Where the goddamned cassette release?
or the 8-Track?
or the Reel to Reel?
or the Edison cylinder?
Not even a player piano scroll either?
Burn down the Hot Topic
looks like the Govenor went back on his campaign promises
You know what ? Fuck it. I'm giving this one an A- too
aughts? fuck that. The Oh Ohs.
Do we also need to get the hell off of your lawn too?
I can't believe this guy dated Lindsay Lohan
we all were wrong
It was Earth all along
I wish I was taller
*** quickly gets the hell off of @BackFromTheGulag:disqus 's lawn ***