
A.V.Club web site during work hours….
eases the pain

It's only been a day , but ragging on the A.V.Club redesign will never get old

Well, Grunge and flannel was the style of the time

Yeah Bitch, Science!

Wrapped in plastic?

I think a lot of us used it. Sometimes many times the reviewer's opinion and grade is way off base to that of the knowing public

Can't give shows a grade anymore?
Is that coming back or not?
Can we not have nice things anymore?

I voted for Kodos

how the hell are we supposed to give grades now?
Of is one of the nice things we can't have anymore?

Can't wait for Hardwick's next show next Spring, "Talking Mad"

Thumbs Down!
And your RSS Feed no longer has a picture. Now I have to actually read the headline.

I was going to give this one a D. But for the Bobby Hill appearance , I bumped it up to a D+

I am the one who mocks!

There's a doin's a-transpiring!

That's a crud rock. It belongs in Crudtown.

Henry was a dirty old man. Eliza Dolittle was way to young for him.

My bad. At least I was 75% correct.

the red droid that "has a bad motivator"

Yup. I watch it everyday now. Good stuff.

Nope, the audience is against you , NO POINTS!