
You just don't understand Kr'Thk'Cksh! No one in this family knows what real love is!!!

I don't know why he bothers. Black Adder is just going to shoot it down anyway.

Call me when it's a quadrangle and the fourth side is a sexy, sexy praying mantis with a wild side but also a carefully hidden heart of gold.

The only thing that would make this even more perfect is a gif of crotch kicking.

Me and him BOTH!!!!
Who's with me, bro-gun warriors?

If it uses the lesbian scenes that Dead Boss discarded, I will too.

You mean, "Cue the slash-fiction "Young Flash/John Wesley Ship-pers"…?

That's not really an achievement, Mark Hammill's accountant.

But didn't he say that after Arkham Asylum that he wasn't going to do the Joker's voice anymore. And wasn't that a few years ago?
Take a breath, folks. I wasn't trying to challenge your favorite Jedi. I was just really wondering what Hammill, an actor, sometimes voice actor, director and writer, is up to these days.

Ahem! My Flash is *also* named Bort… Hmmph!

What's this "New 52"…? DC stopped publishing comics about two years ago.
Next you're going to tell me there were another three "Star Wars" movies..

Mark Hammill played the Trickster on the first Flash series.
What's *he* up to these days?

Shipp is a gay man. (Although that doesn't mean, of course, that he has to play a gay man.) If he plays some version of the Flash, it would be nice if he's the first superhero in this modern wave of them to be gay and not make a big deal about.
Of course, the Pied Piper, at least pre-New 52, was also gay. Maybe Shipp

You pitched it low and it *still* went over my head…? Can I blame it on the snowstorm? It's all I got.

Well, not funny "ha-ha"….

I don't see how that's relevant….

I like to think that Stewart looked at the New 52 and said, "You know what? I'm good…."

Because there's a skins you never bothered with…. the BLACK skins! I want to know … how come?
Answer me that, Mr. Lurky McLurkerson!

Shut yo mouth!

I always thought Shayera was the one dragging her feet in that relationship.