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    How quickly we forget that information travel was slow as #%$ž between continents a hundred years ago.

    I didn't realize Paul Brittain was promising!  Consistently under-performing and hard to watch!  Good luck to him in his future endeavors, tho.

    When will studios and copyright lawyers understand that A LOT more people would spend $65-$90 a month on UNLIMITED (!!) television?

    AV Club- FYI, I couldn't find this article on your front page after 12 hours and a obviously busy day at your site.  I tried searching for articles about "Pete Holmes" and it didn't even show up!

    First HBO series too!!  Then Sopranos, but still haven't seen The Wire (and I LOVE Homicide!)

    Sir, I need to know where I can get some business hammocks.

    Thank you for this!! The first season was such a rush, like a 10 hour long film!  I hope it comes back for another season, but like the best shows that leave too early (Deadwood, Arrested Development, etc.) I am glad it lived this long!

    something something Route something 6

    "Although, I do expect a note of apology.  And don't try and make it funny, just apologize."

    I was always reminded of the '95's TV show American Gothic starring Gary Cole when I watched Carnivle.  Anyone remember that show?

    Endgame spoiler: The entire series is dreamt by Harry Morgan when he found Dexter.  He then decides to toss baby Dexter back in the shipping container and set it on fire.


    Fair enough.  Guess I'm still upset Community is in danger.

    And Breaking Bad, and Louie, and Community, and Game of Thrones, and South Park…

    Does a show like Chuck deserve ratings as high as an "A"?


    Most people are major douchebags at Applebee's, like chicks I take there!  "Bitch! Don't you know gourmet when you get it?"

    Jennifer Carpenter's acting skills are finally coming to fruition!  It's taken four or five seasons, but she's the most watchable actor there. Even tho I was creeeeeeeeped out by that scene..

    ..or Britta'ed

    Couldn't agree more! I find Louie to be identifiable, fifteen to thirty minutes films that come from the heart of an artist.