Joey Jo-Jo Jr Shabadoo

After living in Portland for 13 years and flying out of PDX maybe a hundred times in my life, I was surprised last year to learn that giving a shit about that carpet was actually a thing. I don't think I ever noticed it, nor did anyone else I knew cared. Then suddenly the same Midwestern transplant kids who latch on

I want a film from Nien Nunb's perspective where after Return of the Jedi he's hanging out with Lando and trying to score some tail, but Lando keeps getting all the best looking ladies in the galaxy and he has to settle for the awkward friend.

Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a franchise can,
Reboots again, any size,
Origin story and no surprise,
Look Out!
Here's come's another Spiderman!

Carcosa? Was that guy a suspect in True Detective?

For Sopranos, "Employee of the Month", "Long Term Parking" and "University" all have parts that are hard to go back to, especially the extremely sad endings of "University" and "Long Term Parking". Though in some ways, "Whoever Did This" was sort of shocking the first time I saw it as well, and I avoided watching

Señor Tuco's Wild Ride.

Blue Smurf spaghetti? I like mine with extra Smurf…

The most creative Cosby joke insert we'll hear today!

Hey, if this anyone but the New Jersey Devils, you're stealing my bit!


White Men Can't Pump….their own gas in Oregon legally, because of the no-self service gas laws, but in fact no one can.

I thought you were famed 60s rocker Jackie Jormp-Jomp.

You're not black, but you must be British right?

I'm waiting for the Spinal Tap-inspired spinoff, Sex Farm

No, but they gave him a phone call to straighten things out.

Old enough for the Coz!

"They got rid of Camp Minnie-Mickey for this shit?"
—An unhappy six-year old upon returning to Disney World.

"We found traces of Spanish Fly on the cocktail glass…"

That sounds like a film we might remember Troy McClure from…

I never even heard that Scatman song when it was released, now I'm listening to it and it's strangely entrancing…