
So fucking pumped for Dr. Jekyll. On the most shallow level, well…dude has fantastic hair. But the dynamic between him and Victor looks to be super interesting, in that they are both kind of garbage humans ("I couldn't possibly kill someone but I am totally okay with lobotomizing this chick for you."). And there is

Sure, but let's put it this way: if you're not into classic rock, there's no real reason to know that "Baba O'Riley" isn't called "Teenage Wasteland," and yet, if you want to present yourself as someone with a certain kind of cultural savvy, it's an unacceptable mistake to make.
(Are we comparing Roger Daltrey to

Yeah, I actually watched A Room with a View, Four Weddings and a Funeral, and Maurice for the first time in the past few months, so I was kind of surprised to see him pop up as a less than benevolent character in this episode, even though I had apparently seen him last season.

Yeah, if I remember correctly, the books really emphasize the resemblance between him and Jack, so before they focused in on the actor's face, I was worried they were going to go the route of having Tobias Menzies play him (maybe with some light de-aging effects). Which might have just been a little too dumb in a show

Well, that's embarrassing. I'm Jewish and apparently super ignorant?

She actually has no biological parents because she is, like, 100% midichlorians. Which maybe makes her Anakin's half-sister, if we want to keep in the potential for weird incestuous shit.

I didn't watch Lost, so I can't really speak to Abrams' approach in general, but at least for Star Wars, it feels like it's more the media's doing than his? It's a similar thing to basically all coverage of Game of Thrones turning into "BUT IS JON SNOW REALLY DEAD?" where we decide to narrow focus to this one aspect

Fair enough. I don't know if there's any storytelling concept that can be described as "first and/or best seen on House," so not super surprising that the episode told from the perspective of a nonresponsive but still somehow conscious patient thing has been done elsewhere, especially since that situation does just

It's not *that* old, but are you thinking of "Locked In" from season 5 of House?

Yeah, I feel like it's at least been foreshadowed since the season 3 finale, when Lip spends a whole day drinking and bonding with Frank after graduating high school, and it was, you know, not the most subtle way of being like "hey, look, audience! Parallels!"

Lol, fair enough. (Unfortunately, it looks like all but 12 of the works with the Jessica Jones & Trish Walker tag are also Jessica Jones/Trish Walker, which seems like it defeats the purpose of the "&" but man, who knows)

Okay, maybe the Barry Allen/Iris West dynamic on The Flash was a better point of comparison there, and they definitely have been in a sibling situation for longer than Jessica/Trish, since I think the car accident that killed jj's family occurred when she was in high school and it's not like she and Trish bonded

Eh, they're less siblings than, say, Cher and Knightley-stand-in-played-by-Paul-Rudd-at-his-dreamiest (whose name I am currently blanking on) in Clueless. I don't know if I even necessarily ship it—that's just not quite my level of engagement with Jessica jones—but it's definitely a rare fandom thing for a femslash

I know this doesn't actually affect the point you're trying to make but Jessica/Trish is by far the largest ship in the Jessica jones fandom. I assume there's not as much Jessica/Luke simply because they're already canon and thus not as interesting to speculate about (I mean, they already have a fucking child together

Ugh, this so much. Once you're above a certain cup size, it takes way more effort (in terms of safety pins, camisoles, scarves, hyperawareness of posture at all times, etc.) *not* to show cleavage than it does to "ostentatiously" display it.

By the time I reached this episode, I was kind of over the mystical ninja shit and beyond following the finer details of the plot, but I mean, is that more or less believable than, like, the origin story of the Book of Mormon?

I think it's more that the same points about representation are being made in the review every week, and not especially well? It's good that diversity in the media has become such a common topic for discussion, but it often seems to become a sort of critical shortcut to just call something out as Problematic for

I don't know, I feel like it involved water and secretly evil Morgan Freeman? Beyond that, I have no memory of the actual conspiracy, other than it somehow justifying Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz being super generically on the run together.

Huh, the trailer makes this look super bland and generic, but given Keanu Reeves's filmography, it's hard to believe that it actually is. I mean, I've seen about half of his movies at this point, and as far as I can tell, Street Kings (which is in the unwatched half) and maybe Chain Reaction are the only other ones

So many things, because I had basically no social life in 2015 and thus consumed so much more media on all fronts (books, movies, tv, comics) than I probably have in any other year. The most key "discoveries," though: Douglas Coupland, E.M. Forster, and Adam Ant.