Completely agree. I am looking forward to the movie, and I have no reason yet to think I would be disappointed. But, this is a poorly done cover. It honestly just looks awkward and ugly.
Oh. I was under the impression that Scarlett Johansson was simply playing Scarlett Johansson.
Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. But I do not know right from left, so.
I think of a mischievous badger
No, Erik. I wanna spill booze all over my F***ING $6300 suit. COME ON!
Sadly, Teamocil has been discontinued. The sense of wellness it created in relationships was merely the first sign of COMPLETE pituitary shutdown.
Isn't it also the basis of "Homer Loves Flanders?" Either way, I think he was being sarcastic.
pipe booooomb
I've always particularly liked the pause before he gets to addressing Jerry in the booth, where he lightly raises Jerry's face with his hand, and gives him that 'atta-boy type fake punch to the chin.
Good point. She is nowhere near as attractive as Michael Jackson.
Good point. She is nowhere near as attractive as Michael Jackson.
How is The X-Factor going to differ from AI or The Voice or America's Got Talent? And I am not being snarky or anything. I'm sure there are differences. I am genuinely curious as to what they are.
Fountains of WHOM?
I kid.
Nothing interesting to add to this, bit I 100% agree. Kind of came out of nowhere, but as soon as the episode ended I realized it.
Is this one of the more annoying aspects of being a writer on a site that allows comments?
*THE ruler
I thought Morlocks were what the Super Adventure Club craved above all other things.
It is the meth.
Yeah, I'm all for Homicide as well. Murray did one of the "A Very Special Episode" pieces on Homicide not too long ago, and it was excellent.