
Cue the B:BATB episode where everyone is chanting "STARRO LIVES!" My two year old son spent the entirety of last summer walking like a zombie and chanting that.

Weekly coverage and can we get a few posts on GL:TAS?  You are a godsend Mr. Sava!

Or at least an Other Shows for the YJ:Invasion episodes.

I would totally trade the recaps of this show for having recaps of Green Lantern:TAS.

Oh dear god no!  Why cancel Avengers:EMT for one like this!  Must they Disney-fy everything?

I have to agree, this show is lightweight, but the Avengers is at least trying to be a serious show.

What?  Peter Parker is already back in the Ultimate books?

I haven't searched the depths of the comments yet, but I tried to sell my wife on the idea that Laybourne is someone from the darkest timeline (thus the new beard and ponytail).  EIther he is the real Evil Laybourne and is coming for our timeline's Troy, who has functional vocal chords, or Evil Abed dressed as Evil

Wait, I thought we were talking about the guy and his daughter singing "Home."  I can't keep up with my memes.


Uh, it's fairly clear that the difference is money.  He's stealing from dead men owed no royalties, whereas DC is stealing from a "cheated old m[a]n," i.e., someone who feels people are printing money for themselves off of his creations.  I'm pretty sure he's not at all inclined to participate in flogging Watchmen for

It did seem overkill for writers to make racist jokes about all the supporting characters and then for good measure introduce tacky ridiculous Arab women to make fun of as well.  They really doubled down this week.

Watching new episodes of this show on Friday nights involved three generations in my household.  Everyone gathered round and tried to hear the jokes over my two-year old chirping in glee.  It's too bad the show had to go, but this episode was the perfect way to go out.

Huzzah!  Before I even read this review I will celebrate the fact we got a review for the last B:BATB!

It was great!

Yeah, I'm thinking "the Animated Series" tag means there should be some guest spots late in the season.  Or something.  I'm just glad I finally got to see this show.

I'm super excited about the Legend of Korra.  I assume we'll segue from the original series straight into that one, no?  Can't wait.

I enjoy Simon's write-ups.  It's just that they haven't reviewed the last few new episodes so I was wondering.  Tanks!

WOOHOOOO!  What a great series to add.  Also, Mr. Sava sir, are you going to review any of the remaining B:BATB's…?

Three cheers!