
I thought that the finale was great (I would rate it A-) comparing it to the terrible pilot (Which I'd rate D+)

Wow. Over 17000 comments. This must be a record here in the A.V. club. Altough most of these comments aren't even about the episode itself.

"Community" is turning into "Grey's Anatomy" where there is so much (pointless) drama going on off the screen and that is starting to affect the show and not in a good way.

I knew it! I KNEW IT! I just knew that the new Superman movie is going to get shitty to average reviews, because it was directed by Zack Snyder, a guy who directed the terrible "300".

You know, this is SOOO unnecessary, but still awesome at some level.

I'm looking forward to see this film: the trailer looks like it's going to be a decent popcorn movie to watch in the summer and the A.V. club - the website which gives the best reviews - gave it a "B" grade, so yeah, I'm looking forward to it. I'm not expecting anything miraculous, but I hope it will be at least a "B"

What's so bad about "The Newsroom"? I mean, I haven't seen it, but it got a lot of nominations during the last award season and IMDb gives it a score 8,5, so it can't be bad, right?

The trailer is quite funny, but the film is obviously gonna be the new worst movie ever made.

After seeing "Life of Pi", this CGI (In the trailer) looks quite awkward.

It was a disappointment because it was way too overproduced and therefore it was quite painful to watch it. I know most poeple loved that movie, because most people who wached it are "The Hobbit" fans, but I'm not (I've read the book though). I just went to see a blockbuster movie hoping to have some enterteinment

I really hope that both "Man Of Steel" and it's sequel are going to be at least OK. I really don't want another crushing disappointment like "The Hobbit" or "The Great Gatsby".


Internet, you did it again.