
Also apparently didn't know anatomy too well. It's not a muscle at all!


Liv Moore?

He explicitly says, "I didn't do it for her."

What is it with people?!


He suggested intimidation, generally. In her situation, she threatened a sexual discrimination lawsuit (the threat being "just getting the guy to show up").

I saw Matt Weiner do a small talk at Yale a couple of weeks ago (great thing about being a New Haven townie is that you can just walk into shit like that), and at one point he said that as far as the show has ever gone in depicting sexism/racism of the era, any time he's actually spoken to someone who was there they

"Would you drink vermouth?"
"Yes, I'm afraid I would."

If the whole book consisted only of that single quote, I swear 90% of people wouldn't know the difference.

Listen everyone, if we don't start making some changes around here we're going to run out of things to reimagine '90s Disney movies as. I don't know about you, but that's not a world I want to live in.

Maker's Mark Heaven Hill

I wasn't able to follow it at all, but I admired myself for trying.

One time I got Absalom, Absalom! on audio book from the library, and made the mistake of listening to it in the car with the windows down in my majority-black neighborhood. I don't think I've ever lunged for the volume knob faster.

nothing but net

Stan wasn't egging him on, I remember him trying earnestly, if halfheartedly and with great amusement, that she was right behind him.

Q: How do you turn a duck into a singer?

40 whacks with a wet noodle, Bart!

"Don't like how we do our jobs, eh? Well let's see how you like it when we do our jobs differently!"