Life Without Buildings - Any Other City
Life Without Buildings - Any Other City
Oh, well then in that case go ahead and reach out. In my experience exes can be friends (rare, but possible), but getting back together is never a good idea.
I mean, are you looking just to be friends, or are you hoping to rekindle romance?
Nick Cave - "People Ain't No Good"
Its protagonist was a wealthy black doctor. It was the Cosby Show of the superhero genre!
I live in New Haven, with some of the world's best pizza at my fingertips, but sometimes I still go for Domino's takeout.
It's objectively bad as pizza, but if you take it as a sort of non-pizza, pizza-like comfort-junk it can be pretty good sometimes.
Sounds like you do buy the article's thesis, just not Ron Swanson as an example.
"You guys wanna see me shotgun this?"
Next do M.A.N.T.I.S.!
Listen, I love coffee and I love potato chips. Similarly I love my girlfriend and I love my grandma. See where this is going?
They reminded me of that old kids' cereal, Waffle Crisp.
Cappuccino ones are so bad, guys. They're so bad.
we can only hope yowsas 1 though 2322 are doing a better job.
Note: this Diqus account has only 13 posts, all of them in praise of this film.
"Sir, this is a dry county."
"Shit, better make it a double."
Ah. My parents are an agnostic and a lapsed Mormon, respectively, so it's a tough mindset for me to empathize with.
I dunno, calling something you want to do in bed "dumb" and a "boner-killer" and then refusing to even do it for your sake is a little beyond the realm of "not curious," I think.
*descends into molten iron doing "the shocker"*