
Talk Soup for me. She's very charming!

Why not Leia briefing a fighter squadron comprised of men and women; or Leia and another female commander discussing battle plans; or Leia expressing doubt over said plans to a female friend or confidant?
Aside from that, the point isn't that Leia (or any other female character) isn't contrived any conversation at all

What a strange way to spend an evening.

work iTunes:
The Beatles - Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite
Weezer - December
Outkast - Skew It on the Bar-B
Beastie Boys - Slow and Low
Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry on their Own

Keep it - changing it would only waste valuable time for fucking.

Gotcha. Thanks.

Can someone explain exactly what happened between Cutler and Harry? I was watching with friends and a few people ended up talking over the scene in Cutler's office, when he called Harry "the most dishonest man I've ever worked with." Help a brother out?

Suddenly, the work for the Slim Jim account had the inspiration it needed.

No, but what fun being French if you swear off vice?

My aunt did, and she managed to convert him to Mormonism. Although I guess that doesn't invalidate "never marry a Frenchman," it just adds "but NEVER marry a Mormon" as a capper.


The pizza is pretty much my favorite part of living here.

Forty seconds?! But I want it now!

Pizza with mashed potatoes is a trademark of my favorite pizza place, BAR in New Haven. It's actually not an uncommon apizza topping; it is spectacular.

omg "must be free" is the worst


I think what killed me about it was that she seemed to say it mostly because she knew he needed to hear it.

I feel your pain, brother.

Everyone needs to fill something.

I've fallen, and I can't get off!