"the Milky Way… or even Mars…."
"the Milky Way… or even Mars…."
I saw the Flaming Lips a little while ago. At one point Wayne Coyne fucked up one of the songs, and the band had to stop and pick up where he trailed off. When they finished he apologized and said he got distracted by how enthusiastic the crowd was. I guess this gives weight to the "not a serious musician" accusation,…
Also from Connecticut. I nominate "Teenage Riot" by Sonic Youth. Thurston Moore is from Bethel (I used to be roommates with his nephew!) and it's about general suburban boredom.
Paul is a [man who makes his living in real estate, but had dreams of becoming a novelist before succumbing to self-doubt and the crushing ennui of adulthood], who never had time for a wife…
I'd like to add Maximillian Colby to that list.
I read it as "Random Dank Alley," of which Paris is full.
You could scramble an egg up into fried rice or lo mein, is what first comes to mind.
I know you're just a dude on the internet, but this all sounds pretty plausible, and I guess all things considered a global standard of living on par with modern South America would be far from the worst possible outcome.
Frankly I'd be more upset about Affleck as Dogberry.
I've never seen the movie, but I know that it's all just Cal and Aron. I'd much rather the fim be ninety minutes and change of Lee, Sam Hamilton, and Adam Trask talking about the Bible over a bottle of Chinese absinthe.
On the home stretch for East of Eden, and I gotta say I'll be sorry to see it end.
My brother just got certified as a personal trainer, and he swears by the efficacy of simple planks. I've been trying to do some more of them. I can hold for a minute, but the last ten seconds or so are rough.
Meanwhile, a Pitchfork reviewer settles in to listen to the new Haven't We Ran Out of Terrible Band Names Already? album.
"The already harsh online comments became outright personal attacks. One such post read: 'Could somebody tell me where I can find Anna Gunn so I can kill her?' Besides being frightened (and taking steps to ensure my safety), I was also [flattered!]"
-Anna Gunn, The New York Times, August 23, 2013
No, I think it's the sexuality that's shocking people.
The Rolling Stones: Don't Go Toward the Light
So I'm looking through this guy's profile, and it looks like all his posts since July 29th are pretty much this. Before that though, there's nothing at all so bluntly bigoted - and on July 25th:
"Nah, I made it all up, obviously. The only interesting is that I was in a psych ward for a 5 days… (what a craphole) now…
Just got tickets for the October 14th show in NYC, anyone else goin'?